marian anniversaries     january

Third Sunday in January

Nuestra Señora de la Antigua, Nuevo Colón, Boyacá, Colombia

According to local tradition, Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Suárez Rendón gave the painting of Our Lady of La Antigua as a baptismal gift to the native ruler Maizaque around 1540. It is a faithful copy of the image of the same name in Seville Cathedral. (For more on this devotion and its propagation in the Americas, see August 5). In gold robes against a gold background, the Virgin stands holding the Child with her left hand and a white rose with her right. Artistic analysis suggests that the painting on display in Nuevo Colón's Catholic church may be a modern copy of the colonial work (Acosta Luna 2013). 

The Virgin's fiesta in Nuevo Colón, City of Apples, serves as a showcase for the region's fruit production, attracting participants from a wide area with three days of concerts, fireworks, and bullfights. On the main day, Sunday, there are masses and a street procession with the Virgin's image, as well as devotions to the town's other patron saints, Francis Xavier and Martin de Porres.   


"Nuestra devoción," Nuevo Colón, (picture)
Olga Isabel Acosta Luna, Las "Milagrosas Imágenes" Marianas y la Devoción Barroca en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, 2011, Isabel.pdf
Olga Isabel Acosta Luna, "A Su Imagen y Semejanza," Quiroga nº 3, enero-junio 2013, 12-24
"Se prenden las luces festivas,", Jan. 19, 1996,

Also commemorated this date:

Virgen de Belén, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico, Templo de los Siete Príncipes (Virgin of Bethlehem)

Where We Walked ~~~ Mary Ann Daly