marian anniversaries     november

November 17

Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny, Gdańsk, Poland

The Basilica of the Assumption of St. Mary in Gdańsk is the largest brick church in the world, its massive bulk looming over the delicate spires of the port city's Old Town. Of the first church on the site, begun in 1343, only the lower part of the tower remained in the present building, begun in 1379, which took over a century to complete.

In 1945, the Russians destroyed much of the city while driving out the German occupation. Günter Grass wrote, "St. Mary Church burnt from the inside and through ogival windows showed solemn light." The restored church was reconsecrated November 17, 1955. It houses two revered statues, the Beautiful Madonna and the Pietŕ, both from around 1420.  

Photos from the Basilica's website,

Also celebrated this date:

Virgen del Milagro, Mazarrón, Murcia, Spain. City spared attack, 1585.
Mother of God, Zhovkva, Lviv, Ukraine. Icon crowned, 2001.

Where We Walked ~~~ Mary Ann Daly